Custom Orthotics

Custom Orthotics Brampton

What are custom orthotics?

Custom orthotics can be beneficial for various foot conditions, such as flat feet, high arches, plantar fasciitis, bunions, arthritis, diabetic foot problems, and sports-related injuries. They aim to redistribute pressure, improve alignment, enhance shock absorption, and provide stability and support to alleviate pain, prevent further complications, and promote better foot function.

Custom orthotics, also known as custom-made orthotic inserts or foot orthoses, are specially designed devices that are created to fit an individual's unique foot structure. They are prescribed and crafted by healthcare professionals to address specific foot-related conditions, provide support, improve alignment, and alleviate pain.

Custom orthotics are different from over-the-counter (OTC) shoe inserts or insoles, which are generic and mass-produced. Custom orthotics are tailored to an individual's feet, taking into consideration factors such as foot shape, arch type, biomechanics, and specific foot conditions or pathologies.

Do I Need Orthotics?

Brampton Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics may be recommended for individuals who experience foot-related problems or conditions that affect their foot function, alignment, or overall biomechanics. Here are some situations where custom orthotics might be beneficial:

Foot Pain: Individuals experiencing foot pain, whether in the arches, heels, balls of the feet, or elsewhere, may benefit from custom orthotics. Conditions such as plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, sesamoiditis, or tarsal tunnel syndrome can be relieved with the support and cushioning provided by orthotics.

Flat Feet or High Arches: People with flat feet (low or collapsed arches) or high arches may experience imbalances in foot mechanics. Custom orthotics can help provide arch support, correct alignment, and improve stability.

Overpronation or Supination: Overpronation refers to excessive inward rolling of the foot during walking or running, while supination is the outward rolling. Both conditions can lead to imbalances, strain, and increased risk of injuries. Custom orthotics can help control these movements and promote proper foot alignment.

Sports and Athletic Activities: Athletes or individuals participating in high-impact sports may benefit from custom orthotics. Orthotics can help enhance performance, prevent injuries, and provide support and stability during physical activities.

Arthritis: People with arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, often experience joint pain, inflammation, and deformities in the feet. Custom orthotics can provide cushioning, redistribute pressure, and support the affected joints, reducing pain and improving mobility.

Diabetes: Individuals with diabetes may have foot complications, such as neuropathy (nerve damage) or poor circulation. Custom orthotics can help offload pressure points, reduce friction, and provide cushioning to minimize the risk of foot ulcers and other diabetic foot problems.

Foot Deformities or Anomalies: Conditions like bunions, hammertoes, or claw toes can cause pain, discomfort, and gait abnormalities. Custom orthotics can help accommodate these deformities, relieve pressure, and improve foot function.

It's important to note that the decision to use custom orthotics should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional, such as a podiatrist or orthotist. They can evaluate your specific foot concerns, diagnose any underlying conditions, and determine if custom orthotics are appropriate for your individual needs.

Initial Custom Orthotics Appointment

Brampton Foot Scan Orthotics

During your initial custom orthotics appointment in Brampton, we will address your primary complaint and perform a thorough biomechanical gait assessment. Additionally, we will utilize advanced technology to conduct a 3D scan, capturing the unique shape of your feet. If you have not consulted with a physician yet and are unsure whether orthotics are suitable for you, our experienced practitioners can provide valuable guidance. They will help determine whether orthotics are the best treatment option for your specific needs or if alternative therapies such as physiotherapy or chiropractic care might be more beneficial. Rest assured that our dedicated team of practitioners are committed to finding the most appropriate solution for your condition, ensuring you receive optimal care and personalized treatment.

Follow-up custom orthotics appointment(s)

Your follow up custom orthotics appointment is when your custom orthotics will be fitted to your shoes. Please bring or wear the shoes that you will primarily be wearing your orthotics in, as this is when they will be adjusted to ensure a proper fit. Your practitioner will also use this appointment to inform you of how and when to wear your orthotics and to address any questions or concerns. If needed, additional follow up appointments may be scheduled if you are experiencing any lingering discomfort from the orthotics or if you feel that you have any remaining concerns.

Orthotics And Insurance

Does my insurance cover orthotics?

There are 3 routes you may take for custom orthotics. Firstly, you can pay out of pocket for your orthotics, if you do not have insurance coverage or a health savings account. Secondly, the most common route is to use your insurance provider to cover most if not all of the cost. Lastly, if your insurance policy includes a health savings account you may use this to reimburse most if not all of the cost.

There are a wide variety of insurance providers each with various policies. You will need to contact your insurance provider in order to confirm if they will cover custom orthotics.

We cannot direct bill insurance providers for custom orthotics, but we will provide you with the documents and information you need for your claim.

Always check with your insurance provider first for the most accurate information. However, in general there are 4 documents that you will need to submit in your insurance claim:

  1. The first document you will need for your custom orthotics is a prescription from your physician. Your family doctor or walk-in clinic will be able to provide you with your prescription.

  2. The second document you will need is your Biomechanical Assessment & Gait Analysis. The biomechanical assessment & gait analysis will be done in our clinic by one of our practitioners and the resulting documents will be provided to you, either a physical print out or via email.

  3. The third document you will need is a paid invoice of the full amount. Your insurance will not accept the claim until you have provided a paid invoice of the full amount.

  4. The fourth document you will need is a proof of manufacturing invoice. When you come to pick up your custom orthotics, the proof of manufacturing invoice will be provided to you.

Submit all 4 of these documents together in a single claim, making sure that you are not missing any documents. Missing documents will result in a slower process and may cause your provider to reject your claim.

What documents will I need to provide to my insurance?

 Custom Orthotics FAQs

  • Custom orthotics are designed to provide comfort and support. However, there may be an adjustment period as your feet adapt to the orthotics. Initially, you may feel some discomfort or pressure in certain areas, but this typically subsides as your feet get accustomed to the new support. It is important to follow your practitioners directions on how to wear your orthotics, and if any discomfort persists please don’t hesitate to contact us as we can make any necessary adjustments.

  • With average use, orthotics last for around 2 years. After 2 years if they have changed shape or degraded you will need to replace them.

  • Depending on your individual body and on the condition being treated you may or may not need to wear orthotics permanently.

  • In most cases, custom orthotics can be transferred between different pairs of shoes, as long as the shoes have enough depth and width to accommodate the orthotics. However, it's important to ensure a proper fit and alignment in each pair of shoes to maintain their effectiveness.

  • Custom orthotics are designed to provide support, improve alignment, and alleviate symptoms associated with foot conditions. While they can significantly reduce pain and improve foot function, they may not completely "fix" underlying structural issues or cure certain conditions. Custom orthotics are part of a comprehensive treatment plan and may be used in conjunction with other therapies recommended by your healthcare professional.