Workplace Injuries (WSIB)

Workplace injuries refer to any injuries or illnesses that occur as a result of performing work-related activities. They can range from minor incidents to severe accidents, and they can affect employees across various industries and occupations. Here's a general description of workplace injuries:

Types of Injuries:

Traumatic Injuries: These are caused by sudden accidents or events, such as slips, falls, cuts, burns, fractures, or machinery-related incidents. Traumatic injuries often result in immediate physical harm.

What are workplace injuries?

Overexertion Injuries: These injuries occur due to excessive physical effort, strain, or repetitive motions. Examples include strains, sprains, muscle tears, or tendonitis, commonly associated with heavy lifting, repetitive tasks, or poor ergonomics.

How We Treat At Sahara Health

WSIB Rehabilitation.

Sahara Health specializes in providing comprehensive healthcare services to individuals with work-related injuries or illnesses, ensuring their recovery and smooth return to work.

When it comes to work-related injuries, The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario covers the entire cost of your treatments, and we are well-versed in effectively treating such injuries. Our expertise extends to rehabilitating a wide range of workplace injuries, encompassing common back and shoulder conditions as well as specific joint, muscle, ligament, tendon, and bone injuries associated with various tasks.

At Sahara Health, we simplify the process of filing your WSIB insurance claim by handling all the necessary paperwork on your behalf and directly billing your insurance company. Our primary objective is to facilitate a speedy and convenient rehabilitation process for your workplace injury, ensuring your complete recovery.

WSIB Process:

1. Notify your employer about your work-related injury, as this will trigger the obligation of WSIB to fund your healthcare and rehabilitation. Once you have initiated a health claim with WSIB, we will take charge of the remaining steps.

2. Get in touch with us to schedule an initial assessment. During your first appointment, a Registered Physiotherapist will carefully examine your injury, determine the most effective treatment approach, and engage in a discussion with you regarding the optimal treatment plan moving forward. We will gather all the necessary information to complete and submit a WSIB rehabilitation insurance claim on your behalf, ensuring immediate commencement of treatment.

3. Start your treatment plan and focus on your recovery. We will arrange follow-up appointments at your convenience. These sessions will incorporate a wide range of suitable therapeutic modalities, such as Manual Therapy, Acupuncture, Massage, and Exercise.

4. Place your emphasis on healing. We will work on your behalf to manage all the reporting and documentation requirements for your claim, guaranteeing that you receive the essential treatment you need. Allow us to handle the administrative tasks while you concentrate on recovery.